7 Teeth Whitening Tips For Smokers You need To Know

7 Teeth Whitening Tips For Smokers You need To Know

February 1, 2022
We all want to look our best and show off a bright white smile. Unfortunately, our teeth stain easily, and maintaining their white color is not easy. Smokers particularly have a hard time keeping their teeth white and healthy-looking. If you smoke and want to have a bright smile, here are some teeth whitening tips you need to know.

Why Does Smoking Stain Teeth?

Tobacco contains nicotine and tar. Since teeth are porous, these two substances can easily get absorbed. Nicotine enters the teeth’s pores and combines with oxygen to turn your teeth yellow. Discoloration occurs unevenly because of the process of smoke inhalation. A smoker’s teeth usually stain on the edges and gum line. It causes a pale color on the rest of the tooth.

Teeth staining occurs faster for people who smoke or vape but have bad oral hygiene. When you do not observe proper oral hygiene, plaque forms on teeth. It then combines with the tartar to give an unattractive brown color. Smoking also leads to other oral health issues. They are tooth decay, tooth loss, bad breath, gum disease, and oral cancer.

Although smoking stains teeth heavily, smokers can whiten their teeth. Life-long smokers with severely stained and damaged teeth also can obtain whiter teeth. The cosmetic dentist Scottsdale can repair or cover all the damage for a smile makeover.

When Can I Smoke after Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening procedures by the dentist near Scottsdale, AZ, give excellent results. However, you should avoid smoking for some hours to maintain your new look. In addition, the dentist recommends avoiding nicotine products for 24 hours after the procedure.
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Teeth Whitening Tips for Smokers

  1. Brush Or Rinse Your Mouth After Smoking

Brushing or rinsing your mouth after every meal or drink is not easy. Chain smokers may have a more challenging time. Brushing helps remove nicotine and tar before getting absorbed into the teeth. It also keeps the microbes and bacteria that promote staining under control. Rinse your mouth using a whitening mouthwash or water if you cannot brush every time you smoke.

  1. Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Brushing twice every day and flossing will reduce the effects of nicotine on teeth. Use an oscillatory electric toothbrush instead of an ordinary one. It removes tougher stains better. Ask a dentist near Scottsdale, AZ, to recommend non-abrasive teeth whitening. You can also use a smoker’s toothpaste. Use mouthwashes or rinses to complement your oral hygiene practices.

  1. Attend Regular Dental Checkups

Visiting your dentist regularly for dental checkups will help keep your teeth white. Routine dental checkups at Mercado Dental Care involve dental exams and cleaning procedures. First, the dentist examines your teeth and gums, noting the stained areas. Dental cleaning to remove the accumulated plaque and stains follows.

If the teeth are heavily stained, the dentist will recommend professional teeth whitening. However, patients who prefer whitening their teeth at home can get customized whitening trays from the dentist.

  1. Avoid Some Foods And Drinks

Several foods or beverages that you enjoy may contain agents that stain teeth. For example, tea, red wine, coffee, sauces, and dark juices cause teeth discoloration. In addition, acidic fruits or foods lead to enamel erosion. As a result, they expose the dentin and leave your teeth looking yellowish.

  1. Eat Foods That Promote Teeth Whitening

Eat fruits and vegetables to help you get rid of stains on your teeth. Celery, apples, carrots, pineapples are suitable for your oral health. They increase saliva production in the mouth. Saliva helps wash away the bacteria and nicotine that cause discoloration.

  1. Reduce Staining With Home Remedies

A white smile can only be maintained when you quit smoking. However, since stopping may not be possible for everybody, you can whiten your teeth at home. Consult your dentist about safe teeth whitening remedies for use at home.

  1. Consider A Dental Veneers Procedure

Your dentist may not be successful in eliminating all the teeth stains for a smile of your choice. So the expert uses an alternative to teeth whitening treatments for whiter teeth. Dental veneers are paper-thin shells cemented over the surface of your stained teeth. They cover the stains for a smile makeover.

The dentist will choose a shade that brightens your smile and gives you a natural look. Veneers consist of stain-resistant materials such as porcelain. After this cosmetic dentistry procedure, you do not have to worry about keeping your teeth white.