The Link between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

The Link between Gum Disease and Heart Disease

April 25, 2022

The medical fraternity has been examining the link between oral and overall health. An area they are focusing on is the relationship between gum disease and heart disease.

Gum disease, alternatively called periodontal disease, causes inflammation of the gums resulting in the breakdown of the gums, teeth, and surrounding bone issues holding them in place. Heart disease refers to a broader set of conditions, including heart attacks and strokes. The narrowing or blockage of the essential blood vessels causes heart disease.

Please keep reading to understand how these two conditions are related and how to reduce your risks.

What Does Research Reveal?

Recent studies reveal an association between gum disease and heart disease. One study conducted in 2014 had researchers working with people with gum disease and heart disease. The researchers discovered that people receiving adequate care for gum disease had 10 percent to 40 percent less cardiovascular healthcare costs than people who didn’t receive proper oral care. The findings supported the belief that gum health affects heart health.

Authors of recent reviews evaluated various studies to conclude a link exists between the two conditions. They discovered gum disease increases a person’s risk of heart disease by 20 percent. In addition, they further concluded that additional high-quality research is essential.

The evidence is encouraged the American Dental Association and the American heart association the relationship between these two conditions. The risks of heart disease are higher with gum disease due to the inflammation in the gums and bacteria, which may eventually result in the narrowing of the essential arteries.

Gum Disease and Other Conditions

Gum disease and oral health might be related to other conditions such as the following:

  • Osteoporosis: suggestions are made by some researchers that lower bone density results in bone loss in the jaw. The lower bone density might eventually lead to loss of teeth due to weaker underlying bone.
  • Respiratory Disease: The movement of the bacteria from the mouth to the lungs to cause infections like pneumonia is a reality. The problem is more familiar in people with periodontal disease.
  • Cancer: gum disease can also increase the risk of some types of cancer, suggests some research. You can get affected by kidney, pancreatic, and blood cancers because of gum disease. Additional research is necessary for this specific area.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Research conducted early displayed a link between rheumatoid arthritis and gum disease, although more research is necessary.

There are also conditions that might increase your risk of developing gum disease. People with diabetes are at high risk of developing this condition because of increased inflammation and a higher risk of infections. You can lower the risks by managing your diabetes.

Pregnant women are also at a higher risk of gum disease because of hormonal changes and increased blood flow.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Gum Disease

If you visit the Scottsdale dentist frequently, they can help you with early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. It helps if you let your dentist know about your symptoms of this condition which might include persistent bad breath, swollen and red gums, pain when chewing, gum irritation, highly sensitive teeth, receding gums, and sunken teeth besides tender gums that bleed easily.

You might not have gum disease if you have any of the symptoms described. The dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, makes a formal diagnosis by reviewing the severity and duration of your symptoms. They also evaluate your teeth and medical history and might measure your gums with tiny rulers to verify pocket depth. The dentist evaluates your gums for signs of inflammation and plaque buildup. X-rays of the teeth and the underlying job might be taken to assess bone loss research examining sensitive teeth for receding gums.

Symptoms of Heart Diseases

If your doctor suspects heart disease, they make a diagnosis based on your medical history, the duration and severity of the symptoms, and the results of a physical exam. Some familiar symptoms of heart disease include chest pain, alternatively called angina resulting from your heart getting insufficient oxygen, arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat, sudden confusion or impaired thinking, heart attack, edema, and unexpected fatigue.

Medical professionals evaluate your blood and examine the risk factors for heart disease, considering family history and body weight. When diagnosing heart disease, they confirm a diagnosis with various tests, including EKG, chest x-ray, stress tests, and blood tests.

Research reveals an association exists between gum disease and heart disease. Bacterial buildup and inflammation in the oral cavity eventually result in the narrowing and blocking the blood vessels. Unfortunately, additional research is necessary to better understand the connection.

You can prevent these two conditions from affecting you by maintaining appropriate oral hygiene practices and reducing your risk of gum disease and heart disease. To accomplish your goal, you must visit the dental office near you for advice on the best techniques for brushing and flossing, besides recommendations for a mouthwash you can use frequently.

The dental office might recommend you refrain or avoid smoking or chewing tobacco and maintain healthy blood sugar levels if you have diabetes. You must also get twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings to ensure you don’t have gum disease by allowing plaque buildup to develop on your teeth.

If you are concerned about gum disease, you must schedule an appointment with Mercado Dental Care today for a dental checkup and cleaning that will help you prevent unnecessary complications later by giving you a thorough cleaning.